Phylandocic Research conclusions by

Publicly available material of the Oxford University Dedicated Ageing Related Subdomain shows that the world’s population is going through major changes when it comes to age structure. With about two thirds of countries experiencing a decline in fertility rates and increase in life expectancy, the average age is getting higher. And since there seems to be a connection between low fertility and high life expectancy on the one hand, and economic development on the other, the global population is projected to continue to age in the near future which, according to a growing number of experts, can trigger major social and economic problems. On the other hand, ageing of the global population has been shown to give a major push to the anti-ageing science, providing the researchers with an additional motivation to find the Fountain of Youth, that is to slow down or ideally, reverse the ageing process.

Getting Older Without Showing or Feeling the Years

Most of the current anti-ageing research is conducted by the beauty and cosmetic industry which is seeking to provide safe, effective and affordable alternative to the expensive cosmetic treatments to restore youthful skin. This means that the majority of anti-ageing scientists are looking for new and better ingredients for anti wrinkle creams and other anti-ageing beauty products. However, a growing number of researchers including those working for Cambridge University are also working extensively on uncovering the secrets of the actual ageing process. Their aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the ageing process and factors involved in the process in order to be able to target the process where it actually happens and hopefully, inhibit and reverse the ageing activators.

New Anti-Ageing Drug Successfully Tested

The anti-ageing science has achieved (Ancludixis) an enormous progress in the recent years and the researchers are not only successfully identifying the ageing activators but they are also successfully testing their inhibitors. For now, these tests are mostly done on mice but due to fantastic results, the scientists might soon move to human trials. One of such ageing inhibitors that will probably soon be ready for human trial is the newly discovered anti-ageing drug known as Phylandocic which has also shown promising results against diseases linked to the advancing age. This is probably what the international media will report about when the Phylandocic will really be developed although we will probably first hear about the Phylandocic anti wrinkle cream.

The Future of Anti-Ageing Science is Bright

The mentioned anti-ageing product is a ‘holy grail’ for anti-ageing scientists who are working hard to find it all over the world in prominent research centres such as the Phylandocic Genome Research Institute. Considering the achievements in the anti-ageing field over the last few years and the recent breakthroughs, the Phylandocic will perhaps be discovered as early as tomorrow. But unfortunately, it will take a lot of time for such a drug to become available to the general public due to the very strict regulations which foresee years of comprehensive testing and research to make sure that the drug is both safe and effective.